Vacuum, dust, and other ways to clear the air | Published: September 26, 2014 08:00 AM
The air inside your house could be five times more polluted than what’s outside, especially during the winter. Cold weather keeps windows and doors shut tight, preventing the exchange of fresh air. Roaring fireplaces are a potential source of noxious soot and smoke. Even scented candles, whether peppermint or pine, can release harsh chemicals.
Those pollutants can trigger a number of ailments, including allergies, asthma, and chronic headaches. Even if you’re symptom-free, it pays to clear the air at home when you're expecting guests because people react differently to contaminants. Here are some effective strategies from the experts at Consumer Reports—and many of them don’t cost a thing. You’ll also find our latest test results for air purifiers, which can provide an added weapon in your effort to breathe easier.
Control the moisture
Water is the cause of so many house problems, including those related to bad indoor air. Too much moisture raises humidity levels above 50 percent, the point at which mold, mildew, and other allergens thrive. That’s why it’s critical to keep out rainwater by maintaining your gutters, leaders, and downspouts. Also make sure that the soil around your house slopes away from the foundation.
Capture the dust
All of those particles you see dancing through the daylight come from pollen, pet dander, and other pollutants. Regular vacuuming prevents dust buildup on carpets, furniture, and other surfaces. Once a week should suffice, although if you have pets that shed a lot, you’ll probably need to clean more often. To find the best vacuum for carpet, bare floors and pet hair, check our full vacuum Ratings and recommendations.
It’s a good idea to dust furniture, blinds, and windowsills before you vacuum. Using an electrostatically charged duster or a damp rag will help minimize airborne particulates. Of course, the less dirt that enters your house, the better. Place doormats at entrances and consider imposing a shoes-off policy.
Switch on your exhaust fans
Routinely replacing the air in your house with a fresh outdoor supply will cut down on contaminants. Exhaust fans are a good source of ventilation, especially during the winter months when windows tend to be closed. Run the bathroom fan after you shower to control mold and mildew. As for the kitchen, our tests have found that vented range hoods remove smoke and odors far better than a fan on an over-the-range microwave.
Contain any chemicals
Remember that many cleaning products are a potential source of contaminants. Always read the labels and follow instructions carefully. In the case of certain cleaners, chemicals are emitted quickly, so use them only in well-ventilated areas. Other products, including paint, release chemicals over time, so look for those that are low in VOCs (volatile organic compounds) and for items that are formaldehyde-free. After using them in a room, keep the windows open with a fan running for several days.
Stamp out smoke and fumes
We all know that smoking cigarettes kills. But what’s less known is that about 3,000 nonsmokers die each year from lung cancer caused by secondhand smoke. So ban smoking in your house.
Wood-burning stoves and fireplaces can also release harmful smoke and soot if they’re not maintained properly. Along with scented candles, incense can send particles into the air that can cause asthma attacks and allergic reactions.
Then there’s carbon monoxide, a more threatening pollutant that claims hundreds of lives each year. Referred to as the silent killer, the odorless, colorless gas can kill without warning if it leaks from a faulty furnace, clothes dryer, or other fuel-fired appliance. Install a CO alarm on every level of your house, including the basement.
Consider an air purifier
Those devices can help clear the air in your house. We wouldn’t have spent almost $10,000 on dozens of test models if that weren’t true. But first you should take the preventative steps outlined above. “Without source control and proper ventilation, using an air cleaner to reduce pollutants in your home is like bailing water out of a leaky boat,” says Elliott Horner, Ph.D., lead scientist for UL Environment (Underwriters Laboratories). Certain environmental conditions may also create the need for supplemental air cleaning. For example, if you rarely open your windows because you live next to a highway or near an industrial site, an air purifier might be helpful.
Top air purifiers from our tests
Consumer Reports tests both room and whole-house air purifiers, which replace the standard filter in a forced-air heating or cooling system. Here are the top three of each type.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Don’t Waste Your Money: Best & Worst Air Purifiers
Air cleaners make claims like “capture 99 percent of allergens and irritants,” “remove allergens like dust, pet dander and pollen,” healthier, fresher air.” Consumer Reports tested 26 portable air cleaners to see how well they work.
Testers pump contaminants into a controlled chamber, dust, as well as smoke. Some of the models tested were slow and to removed the contaminants and not terribly effective. The three poorest performers: Hamilton Beach TrueAir 0483, Hoover model WH10600 and Holmes HAP1200-U.
Consumer Reports says also stay away from electrostatic purifiers because they can emit ozone, which can aggravate allergies and asthma.
And be aware, even the best air cleaner isn’t going to be enough if you’re not very proactive about removing contaminants like vacuuming, dusting, making sure the rooms are adequately ventilated. Those things are actually much more important than just using an air cleaner.
If you still want an air purifier, Consumer Reports says opt for one that uses filters to clean the air. Consumer Reports recommends the Honeywell HPA300for $250. It’s relatively quiet and excels at removing dust, pollen and smoke.
Consumer Reports also tested whole-house filters for homes heated and cooled with forced-air. They replace the standard filter in a forced air system. The 3M Filtrete 1550 for about $30 is very good at removing dust and smoke and is one of the least expensive tested. Like many whole-house filters it will need to be installed by a professional.
Air cleaners make claims like “capture 99 percent of allergens and irritants,” “remove allergens like dust, pet dander and pollen,” healthier, fresher air.” Consumer Reports tested 26 portable air cleaners to see how well they work.
Testers pump contaminants into a controlled chamber, dust, as well as smoke. Some of the models tested were slow and to removed the contaminants and not terribly effective. The three poorest performers: Hamilton Beach TrueAir 0483, Hoover model WH10600 and Holmes HAP1200-U.
Consumer Reports says also stay away from electrostatic purifiers because they can emit ozone, which can aggravate allergies and asthma.
And be aware, even the best air cleaner isn’t going to be enough if you’re not very proactive about removing contaminants like vacuuming, dusting, making sure the rooms are adequately ventilated. Those things are actually much more important than just using an air cleaner.
If you still want an air purifier, Consumer Reports says opt for one that uses filters to clean the air. Consumer Reports recommends the Honeywell HPA300for $250. It’s relatively quiet and excels at removing dust, pollen and smoke.
Consumer Reports also tested whole-house filters for homes heated and cooled with forced-air. They replace the standard filter in a forced air system. The 3M Filtrete 1550 for about $30 is very good at removing dust and smoke and is one of the least expensive tested. Like many whole-house filters it will need to be installed by a professional.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Friday, October 17, 2014
看不見的「空氣雨傘」 用空氣擋雨
您是否覺得一般雨傘的金屬桿加防水布結構不夠拉風呢?目前有一款正在研發中的「空氣雨傘」(Air umbrella),是利用看不見的空氣來擋雨,或能在不久的將來讓您與眾不同!
風扇產生氣流的速度可視情況調整。目前氣流足夠遮擋一、兩個人,雨小的話,可以擠下更多人。 這種雨傘有3種規格,主要差異是長度和電池使用的時間。第1種專為女性打造,長30公分、重500克、電池可使用15分鐘;第2種是基本型,長50公分、重800克、電池可使用30分鐘;第3種是可伸縮的,可從50公分拉到80公分,重850克、電池可使用30分鐘。其電池可充電並重複使用,壽命為3年。
此雨傘產生的噪音比雨聲還小,但不確定其在有風的情況下能否正常運作。 「空氣雨傘」由來自中國大陸的研發團隊所設計,他們正在眾籌網站Kickstarter募集資金,成品預計在2015年12月上市。
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
87%居家空氣不合格 呼吸都是在「吸毒」
空氣不乾淨 呼吸都是在「吸毒」
• 灰塵(懸浮微粒)→引起呼吸道、心臟血管疾病!
• 二氧化碳→造成頭昏、嗜睡、注意力無法集中!
• 揮發性有機化合物→已被證實會致癌、影響生育!
空氣不乾淨 呼吸都是在「吸毒」
• 灰塵(懸浮微粒)→引起呼吸道、心臟血管疾病!
• 二氧化碳→造成頭昏、嗜睡、注意力無法集中!
• 揮發性有機化合物→已被證實會致癌、影響生育!
Friday, October 10, 2014
醫生為她做了身體檢查,告知她罹患的是運動誘發型氣喘 (Exercise-induced asthma)。珍妮對於出入醫院檢查、必須使用吸入器和經常性的胸悶感到十分挫折,於是她尋求了一名按摩師的建議,該按摩師主張透過適當的營養來治療,他建議珍妮採取生食並堅持無麩質與牛奶的生活方式。
珍妮照做了之後結果令人驚喜,在很短的時間之內她的氣喘與過敏症狀就無影無蹤了。從那時起,珍妮就保持了這樣的生活方式,現在她已經將近 40 歲,很少感冒、不再有胸悶和呼吸的問題;2012年時她陸續採用過 80-10-10 法則的飲食 (每日 80% 碳水化合物、10% 蛋白質和10% 的脂肪) 和一日30根香蕉的飲食法,成效都很不錯。
除了擺脫氣喘與過敏之外,珍妮表示生食飲食也幫助她消除了其他健康問題,像是關節炎和便秘。珍妮現在以 Raw Jenni 的名字開設了自己的 Youtube 頻道與臉書粉絲團繼續推廣生食的好處。
醫生為她做了身體檢查,告知她罹患的是運動誘發型氣喘 (Exercise-induced asthma)。珍妮對於出入醫院檢查、必須使用吸入器和經常性的胸悶感到十分挫折,於是她尋求了一名按摩師的建議,該按摩師主張透過適當的營養來治療,他建議珍妮採取生食並堅持無麩質與牛奶的生活方式。
珍妮照做了之後結果令人驚喜,在很短的時間之內她的氣喘與過敏症狀就無影無蹤了。從那時起,珍妮就保持了這樣的生活方式,現在她已經將近 40 歲,很少感冒、不再有胸悶和呼吸的問題;2012年時她陸續採用過 80-10-10 法則的飲食 (每日 80% 碳水化合物、10% 蛋白質和10% 的脂肪) 和一日30根香蕉的飲食法,成效都很不錯。
除了擺脫氣喘與過敏之外,珍妮表示生食飲食也幫助她消除了其他健康問題,像是關節炎和便秘。珍妮現在以 Raw Jenni 的名字開設了自己的 Youtube 頻道與臉書粉絲團繼續推廣生食的好處。
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