Saturday, December 20, 2014


Merry Christmas!美好的日子,願聖誕之光普照你的每一個日子。平安夜快樂,聖誕快樂!

Friday, December 19, 2014





小米空氣清新機有AUTO智能自動化、睡眠靜音和高速凈化三種工作模式,AUTO智能自動化又分為弱檔、中檔和強檔模式。其中,睡眠靜音模式的工作 聲音是32dB,AUTO下的弱檔模式45dB,中檔模式50dB,強檔模式60dB,高速凈化模式68dB。那麼,這些數字到底代表做大的聲音感受呢? 據檢測,家庭中電視機、收錄機所生的聲音可達60至80dB,洗衣機為42至70 dB,電冰箱為34至50 dB(數據來自人民網)。

睡眠靜音模式主要是用於夜間睡眠時使用,功率為6w,32dB的聲音就像寧靜沙漠的夜晚,有風吹過耳邊。AUTO(自動)模式(包含弱、中、強三 檔),自動檔運行下功率相當於飛利浦節能燈泡的用電量(10w到30w)。弱檔模式45dB,就像辦公室同事小聲怯怯私語的聲音,功率為8w。中檔模式 50dB,相當於正常大家談話的聲音,功率為13w。強檔模式 60dB,與洗衣機的工作的聲音相當,功率為31w。高速凈化模式的聲音為68dB,相當於10米外經過的汽車的聲音。與其他同檔位的空氣清新機相比,這 個是小米空氣清新機獨有的功能。高速凈化模式只有在用戶手動觸發的情況下才能開啟,持續時間為15分鐘,高速模式開啟15分鐘后會自動切換為自動模式。該 模式的功率為75w。



設計AUTO模式的原因是應對某些極端環境下的空氣凈化需求,比如在家裏抽煙怕被老婆發現,室內PM2.5污染爆表,需要快速凈化到純凈空氣狀態。 高速凈化模式只能通過手動或者智能家庭APP控制激活,工作時間設定為15分鐘,可以用最短的時間將全屋空氣凈化一次,之后就會自動回到安靜的AUTO模 式。如果有同學覺得68dB聲音有些大,可以在外出時使用,回家前先遠程遙控打開一下小米智能家庭,把家裏的空氣徹徹底底的凈化一遍,這樣回家就可以享受 好空氣。

小米空氣清新機的CADR值高達406(空氣凈化效率,是國際公認衡量空氣清新機的權威指標),在高速凈化模式下凈化一次28-48平方米的面積僅 需要12分鐘,之后就會進入安靜的AUTO模式。而CADR值僅有200多的低端空氣清新機全速工作30分鐘,也未必能完成一次全屋的完全凈化,要想達到 相同的凈化效果,用戶需要等待更長的時間才能進入安靜模式。


對於空氣清新機工作噪音的測試有明確的國家標準,在測試噪音時,直接將測量設備置於凈化器頂部出風口處讀取數據顯然是不正確的。根據《聲學家用電 器及類似用途器具噪聲測試方法 第1部分:通用要求》GB/T 4214.1-2000中的規定,“對於自由放置的落地式器具,包括嵌入式器具,測量表面是帶有九個測點的矩形六面體”,如下圖:


Wednesday, December 17, 2014











Sunday, December 14, 2014









Friday, December 12, 2014


▲ 小米手機搖控空氣清新機,它是支援 Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n,賣價 $899 人民幣(約 $1,100 港幣)

▲ 這是日本品牌 Balmuda 的空氣清新機 AirEngine ,有網友覺得設計相當接近,售價為 $5,499 人民幣(約 $6,900 港幣)



小米推智能空氣清新機!網友指設計「參考」日本牌子 Balmuda

既然是小米出品,當然有一定的「智能」,這架小米空氣清新機是可以用手機控制,亦會智能通知手機空氣淨化程度、濾沁什麼時候需要更換,亦可以設定「定時淨化」功能。但網友很快發現「小米空氣淨化機」的設計和日本牌子 Balmuda 相當接近,就連機身大小亦是差不多。

小米空氣清新機算不算高CP值?版主就給例子大家 :

小米空氣清新機的出風量: 409 立方米/ 小時,超過 300立方米/小時的空氣清新機最低限度售價為 $6,000 ~ $7,000 ,小米空氣清新機賣價 $899 人民幣(約 $1,100 港幣)。比較同級裝置廉價八成之多!而 28.4 ~ 48.7 平方米的面積內更可以做到 12 分鐘做到一次完全淨化,對於香港的蝸居是十分足夠。

小米空氣清新機暫時只供中國大陸售賣,於12 月 16 號正式開賣。

Sunday, December 7, 2014

港外籍留學生 研發室內空氣監察裝置



uHoo在今年8月創辦,聯合創辦人兼CEO Dustin Jefferson Onghanseng,他是菲律賓人,現就讀香港科技大學工商管理碩士課程,本身患有過敏性鼻炎的他,有一天在宿舍與同學閒聊時,激發他研發uHoo的念頭。現時uHoo正在網站indiegogo籌款,目標是籌3萬美元,但此舉只為宣傳用途,uHoo正從其他途徑集資,產品預計在明年6月發售,每個售129美元。




Thursday, December 4, 2014























































Wednesday, December 3, 2014

New at Summit Racing Equipment: Green Air Filters

Green Filter elements use a pre-oiled, double-layer woven cotton filter that is pleated to provide 10-15% more filtration surface than a typical paper element. According to Green Filter, that means measurable improvements in power, throttle response, and fuel mileage versus a paper element.

If Green Filter is right and the average vehicle uses 20 paper air filters over 100,000 miles, that’s a lot of money being thrown away, not to mention the environmental issues all those filters cause. Because a Green Filter is reusable and carries a lifetime warranty, one filter can last the life of the vehicle. Just clean the filter every 30,000 miles with Green Filter’s biodegradable cleaner, then re-oil with the recommended filter oil.

All Green Filter air filters have a stainless steel mesh around the filter element, plus a perimeter rubber seal molded in a four-step process that assures an airtight seal and prevents rubber from seeping onto the element and restricting airflow.

Summit Racing offers Green Filter OEM replacement elements for many late model domestic and import vehicles, plus universal round and conical elements for performance applications, air cleaner assemblies, crankcase breathers, and element cleaner/oil.


Wednesday, November 26, 2014















  催化器和含氧感知器失效是導致的士和小巴排放過量廢氣的其中一個主要原因。政府去年十月至今年四月期間,一次過資助13 942輛的士和2 881輛小巴更換催化器及含氧感知器,吸引約八成合資格的車輛參加。今年上半年,即使由於氣象因素導致塔門空氣監測站錄得的臭氧平均濃度比去年同期上升約百分之六,從而加快車輛排放的氮氧化物轉化成二氧化氮,但期內路邊空氣監測站錄得的二氧化氮平均濃度較去年同期下降了百分之六。這「不升反降」的結果顯示我們的減排措施開始發揮正面的作用。


  在今年九月和十月,路邊遙測儀器共檢測了約59 000部車輛的廢氣,約佔全港汽油和石油氣車輛的十分之一。當中排放過量廢氣的的士、小巴和私家車佔同類被檢測車輛總數的百分比,分別為百分之3.3、4.8和0.5。由此可見有過量廢氣排放問題的的士和小巴已大幅減少。





Saturday, November 22, 2014

城市空氣污染 肌膚衰老元凶



城市女郎較易現老人斑 有護膚品生產商在中國做研究,200名30至45歲女性,部份住在類似北京的大城市(圖),部份住郊區,生活方式和日曬程度相近,發現城市女性肌齡較大。德國400名女性的研究亦發現,城市女郎現老人斑的機率高20%。

Tuesday, November 18, 2014




Thursday, November 13, 2014


這個有大陸公司研發的風小六智能空氣清新機可以檢測二氧化碳、甲醛 voc 濃度、PM2.5 含量、溫度和濕度,並且能夠 99.9% 淨化 PM2.5、甲醛 voc。配合手機 App 就會知道空氣的污染程度,再透過大數據將收集得到的空氣質素資料在互聯網上傳播共享。此外,這部智能空氣淨化機亦兼具健康監測、藍芽耳機和流動電源的功能。

官方網站表示風小六智能空氣清新機能夠每小時淨化空氣約 3 立方米,每次充電可以使用 8 小時。可惜的是,開發商暫時未有公佈推出時間表和定價。

來源 |

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

2013年香港空氣質素 監測結果報告









Saturday, November 1, 2014



香港中通社10月31日電 香港環境保護署31日發布《2013年香港空氣質素》調查顯示,香港空氣質素近年已逐漸改善。




Sunday, October 26, 2014

6 ways to combat indoor air pollution

Vacuum, dust, and other ways to clear the air | Published: September 26, 2014 08:00 AM

The air inside your house could be five times more polluted than what’s outside, especially during the winter. Cold weather keeps windows and doors shut tight, preventing the exchange of fresh air. Roaring fireplaces are a potential source of noxious soot and smoke. Even scented candles, whether peppermint or pine, can release harsh chemicals.

Those pollutants can trigger a number of ailments, including allergies, asthma, and chronic headaches. Even if you’re symptom-free, it pays to clear the air at home when you're expecting guests because people react differently to contaminants. Here are some effective strategies from the experts at Consumer Reports—and many of them don’t cost a thing. You’ll also find our latest test results for air purifiers, which can provide an added weapon in your effort to breathe easier.

Control the moisture
Water is the cause of so many house problems, including those related to bad indoor air. Too much moisture raises humidity levels above 50 percent, the point at which mold, mildew, and other allergens thrive. That’s why it’s critical to keep out rainwater by maintaining your gutters, leaders, and downspouts. Also make sure that the soil around your house slopes away from the foundation.

Capture the dust
All of those particles you see dancing through the daylight come from pollen, pet dander, and other pollutants. Regular vacuuming prevents dust buildup on carpets, furniture, and other surfaces. Once a week should suffice, although if you have pets that shed a lot, you’ll probably need to clean more often. To find the best vacuum for carpet, bare floors and pet hair, check our full vacuum Ratings and recommendations.

It’s a good idea to dust furniture, blinds, and windowsills before you vacuum. Using an electrostatically charged duster or a damp rag will help minimize airborne particulates. Of course, the less dirt that enters your house, the better. Place doormats at entrances and consider imposing a shoes-off policy.

Switch on your exhaust fans
Routinely replacing the air in your house with a fresh outdoor supply will cut down on contaminants. Exhaust fans are a good source of ventilation, especially during the winter months when windows tend to be closed. Run the bathroom fan after you shower to control mold and mildew. As for the kitchen, our tests have found that vented range hoods remove smoke and odors far better than a fan on an over-the-range microwave.

Contain any chemicals
Remember that many cleaning products are a potential source of contaminants. Always read the labels and follow instructions carefully. In the case of certain cleaners, chemicals are emitted quickly, so use them only in well-ventilated areas. Other products, including paint, release chemicals over time, so look for those that are low in VOCs (volatile organic compounds) and for items that are formaldehyde-free. After using them in a room, keep the windows open with a fan running for several days.

Stamp out smoke and fumes
We all know that smoking cigarettes kills. But what’s less known is that about 3,000 nonsmokers die each year from lung cancer caused by secondhand smoke. So ban smoking in your house.

Wood-burning stoves and fireplaces can also release harmful smoke and soot if they’re not maintained properly. Along with scented candles, incense can send particles into the air that can cause asthma attacks and allergic reactions.

Then there’s carbon monoxide, a more threatening pollutant that claims hundreds of lives each year. Referred to as the silent killer, the odorless, colorless gas can kill without warning if it leaks from a faulty furnace, clothes dryer, or other fuel-fired appliance. Install a CO alarm on every level of your house, including the basement.

Consider an air purifier
Those devices can help clear the air in your house. We wouldn’t have spent almost $10,000 on dozens of test models if that weren’t true. But first you should take the preventative steps outlined above. “Without source control and proper ventilation, using an air cleaner to reduce pollutants in your home is like bailing water out of a leaky boat,” says Elliott Horner, Ph.D., lead scientist for UL Environment (Underwriters Laboratories). Certain environmental conditions may also create the need for supplemental air cleaning. For example, if you rarely open your windows because you live next to a highway or near an industrial site, an air purifier might be helpful.

Top air purifiers from our tests
Consumer Reports tests both room and whole-house air purifiers, which replace the standard filter in a forced-air heating or cooling system. Here are the top three of each type.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Don’t Waste Your Money: Best & Worst Air Purifiers

Air cleaners make claims like “capture 99 percent of allergens and irritants,” “remove allergens like dust, pet dander and pollen,” healthier, fresher air.” Consumer Reports tested 26 portable air cleaners to see how well they work.
Testers pump contaminants into a controlled chamber, dust, as well as smoke. Some of the models tested were slow and to removed the contaminants and not terribly effective. The three poorest performers: Hamilton Beach TrueAir 0483, Hoover model WH10600 and Holmes HAP1200-U.

Consumer Reports says also stay away from electrostatic purifiers because they can emit ozone, which can aggravate allergies and asthma.

And be aware, even the best air cleaner isn’t going to be enough if you’re not very proactive about removing contaminants like vacuuming, dusting, making sure the rooms are adequately ventilated. Those things are actually much more important than just using an air cleaner.

If you still want an air purifier, Consumer Reports says opt for one that uses filters to clean the air. Consumer Reports recommends the Honeywell HPA300for $250. It’s relatively quiet and excels at removing dust, pollen and smoke.

Consumer Reports also tested whole-house filters for homes heated and cooled with forced-air. They replace the standard filter in a forced air system. The 3M Filtrete 1550 for about $30 is very good at removing dust and smoke and is one of the least expensive tested. Like many whole-house filters it will need to be installed by a professional.

Thursday, October 23, 2014







Friday, October 17, 2014

看不見的「空氣雨傘」 用空氣擋雨

您是否覺得一般雨傘的金屬桿加防水布結構不夠拉風呢?目前有一款正在研發中的「空氣雨傘」(Air umbrella),是利用看不見的空氣來擋雨,或能在不久的將來讓您與眾不同!

風扇產生氣流的速度可視情況調整。目前氣流足夠遮擋一、兩個人,雨小的話,可以擠下更多人。 這種雨傘有3種規格,主要差異是長度和電池使用的時間。第1種專為女性打造,長30公分、重500克、電池可使用15分鐘;第2種是基本型,長50公分、重800克、電池可使用30分鐘;第3種是可伸縮的,可從50公分拉到80公分,重850克、電池可使用30分鐘。其電池可充電並重複使用,壽命為3年。

此雨傘產生的噪音比雨聲還小,但不確定其在有風的情況下能否正常運作。 「空氣雨傘」由來自中國大陸的研發團隊所設計,他們正在眾籌網站Kickstarter募集資金,成品預計在2015年12月上市。


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

87%居家空氣不合格 呼吸都是在「吸毒」

空氣不乾淨 呼吸都是在「吸毒」





• 灰塵(懸浮微粒)→引起呼吸道、心臟血管疾病!


• 二氧化碳→造成頭昏、嗜睡、注意力無法集中!


• 揮發性有機化合物→已被證實會致癌、影響生育!


Friday, October 10, 2014



醫生為她做了身體檢查,告知她罹患的是運動誘發型氣喘 (Exercise-induced asthma)。珍妮對於出入醫院檢查、必須使用吸入器和經常性的胸悶感到十分挫折,於是她尋求了一名按摩師的建議,該按摩師主張透過適當的營養來治療,他建議珍妮採取生食並堅持無麩質與牛奶的生活方式。

珍妮照做了之後結果令人驚喜,在很短的時間之內她的氣喘與過敏症狀就無影無蹤了。從那時起,珍妮就保持了這樣的生活方式,現在她已經將近 40 歲,很少感冒、不再有胸悶和呼吸的問題;2012年時她陸續採用過 80-10-10 法則的飲食 (每日 80% 碳水化合物、10% 蛋白質和10% 的脂肪) 和一日30根香蕉的飲食法,成效都很不錯。

除了擺脫氣喘與過敏之外,珍妮表示生食飲食也幫助她消除了其他健康問題,像是關節炎和便秘。珍妮現在以 Raw Jenni 的名字開設了自己的 Youtube 頻道與臉書粉絲團繼續推廣生食的好處。

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Pentek 纖細型過濾器過濾器/過濾樽

Pentek 纖細型過濾器過濾器/過濾樽型號規格

型號 尺寸 (毫米) 壓力降@流量
#5 透明 187 (高) x 118 (直徑) 1/4” NPT - 2磅@每分鐘 3 加侖
#10 透明 308 (高) x 118 (直徑) 3/8” NPT - 2磅@每分鐘 5 加侖
#5 不透明 178 (高) x 111 (直徑) 1/4” NPT - 2磅@每分鐘 3 加侖
#10 不透明 299 (高) x 111 (直徑) 1/2” NPT - 2磅@每分鐘 5 加侖
#20 不透明 556 (高) x 111 (直徑) 1/2” NPT - 2磅@每分鐘 5 加侖

Pentek 纖細型過濾器過濾器/過濾樽特點

  1. 窄身設計能減少安裝空間
  2. 適合5寸, 10寸, 20寸長度濾水芯
  3. FDA認証食品級
  4. 設有放壓力掣,更換濾水芯簡單方便
  5. 頂部以O-圈密封防漏
  6. 提供樽身透明與不透明選擇
  7. 已經通過NSF international 的NSF/ ANSI 42標準認證測試

Monday, September 22, 2014

中度污染別害怕 五大空氣清新機來解憂

原標題:中度污染別害怕 五大空氣清新機來解憂

中度污染別害怕 五大空氣清新機來解憂
清新機推薦1:SKG 4878空氣清新機
  推薦理由:選擇空氣清新機一定要選擇有知名度的產品,這樣在產品的質量上才會有保障。SKG 4878空氣清新機外觀采用時下流行的金黃色,更加符合當下的流行趨勢,放在家中也會讓家中熠熠生光。在性能上,SKG 4878空氣清新機具有高濃度淨離子主動淨化功能,在清新機周邊50cm範圍內想成正負電荷雲,吸引漂浮的塵埃,細小微粒使之帶上經典,吸入清新機,達到除塵效果。
  【外觀評價】SKG 4878空氣清新機土豪金色的外觀設計,盡顯您尊貴奢華的生活品質,擺放在家中更是讓整間房屋的檔次得以提升。產品LCD液晶顯示屏,讓用戶對機器工作狀態一目了然。
  【主要性能】SKG 4878空氣清新機具有高濃度淨離子主動淨化功能,在清新機周邊50cm範圍內想成正負電荷雲,吸引漂浮的塵埃,細小微粒使之帶上經典,吸入清新機,達到除塵效果。該機采用銀離子殺菌技術,銀離子可強烈吸附和破壞細菌體的蛋白酶使其喪失火星,致細菌死亡,當細菌唄銀離子殺死後,銀離子又游離出來,再與其他菌落接觸,周而復始,因此可持久性殺菌。另外,本機采用日被最新冷觸媒3代技術,去除甲醛率95.7%,采用間斷高科技納米材料為基材,甲醛淨化能力有效提升200%。能直接把甲醛和苯等有機污染氣體分解成無污染的水和二氧化碳,甲醛分解效果高達99.2%。
  [參考價格] 3599元
清新機推薦3:海爾清新機 KJ-F200/CA
  [參考價格] 2499元
  適用面積 40-60平方米平方米
  功率 70W
  水箱容量 393升
  額定電壓 220V~50Hz
  外觀尺寸 608×390×275mm
  重量 10.2KG
  其它性能 加濕+淨化
  松下 F-VXG70C-R/N
  [參考價格] 4999元
  空氣質量顯示 出風口設計
  適用面積 最大30平方米
  功率 40W
  除菌能力 >99.9%
  噪聲 42分貝
  額定電壓 220V/50Hz
  重量 5.31KG
  其它特點 飛利浦空氣清新機讓您在夜裡睡的更舒暢

Sunday, September 21, 2014







Saturday, September 13, 2014

How Poor Indoor Air Quality Can Affect your Health

Niagara This Week - St. Catharines

Poor Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is an important health and safety issue. Air contaminants such as dust, mould, tobacco smoke and chemicals can lead to allergies and asthma, and cause eye, nose or throat irritations. Employers have noticed poor work performance, increased absenteeism and an increase in health claims are all a direct result from poor IAQ. Carlton 5 Mechanical Services is committed to ensuring every workplace and home is safe from harmful air pollutants.

Studies have shown that indoor air quality is often two to five times worse than the air outside, and controlling exposure to indoor allergens could prevent 65% of asthma cases. Carlton 5 Mechanical Services focuses on your comfort, but also keeps an eye on the future. With an emphasis on environmentally green technology systems, they will advise customers on the best systems for their home or business, offering a free quote with every consultation. The experienced team of technicians are continually updating their knowledge on a variety of heating, cooling and IAQ controllers, including humidifiers, Heat Recovery Ventilators (HRVs), air cleaners and Hepa filters.

In addition to consulting, supplying, servicing and installing a wide range of heating, air conditioning and refrigeration products, Carlton 5 Mechanical Services also provide customers with 24 hour emergency repair service, equipment rentals and preventative maintenance. Other services include Combustion Analysis, control work and Heat Loss and Gain Calculations.

Carlton 5 Mechanical Services. Your comfort is our business. Call the heating, cooling and refrigeration experts today at 905-682-4827 or toll free at 1-888-710-7054 for a free complementary consultation or estimate. For more information visit the website. Carlton 5 Mechanical Services is located at 1425 Beaverdams Road in Thorold, and technicians are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Wila Instant Water Boiling Systems

Wila advocates the principles of advanced technology and high quality of boiled water and hot water equipment. Wila Water Boiler is the masterpiece in commercial water boiler industry by infiltrating Japanese technologies and has consolidated its position in the middle and high-end markets. The widespread application of Wila in Olympic venues, governmental office buildings, airports, hospitals and colleges and universities ascertained its leading position in the industry. In 2009, it was awarded as the National Leading Enterprise in Energy Conservation.

Wila Water Dispenser

World advanceda technology allowing you to enjoy world-class quality of drinking water

  1. Adopting step-feed and layer-by-layer heating technology, which can effectively prevent problems such as mixing boilied and un-boilied water due to the traditional float-ball valve control. By adopting microcomputer control system, water is boilied only once, and eliminates the problem of repeated boiling and continuous "bubbling evaporation" in multi-tank type water dispensers. This ensures healthy drinking water is provided.
  2. Wila is the first brand using an LCD microprocessor to set the operation schedule, to avoid unnecessary energy consumption in non-operating hours by 50%. By adopting individual compartment heating, it greatly minimized hear loss by 60% if compared with traditional water dispensers.
  3. Five safety designs such as anti-leakage, anti-dry heating, anti-flame, lid lock and steam proofing. In case of abnormality or fault, the system can determine the possible cause and switch into protection mode. Error information will be displayed with alarm, together with automatic switch-off of the heating compartment.
  4. High quality low carbon stainless steel elaborately chosen in over 50 years, resists high temperature and vapor corrosion and is firm and durable.
  5. Precise Temperature Adjustment (40°C-99°C)
  6. Ultra-thin design with only 19cm thick for specific models.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

居家空間也會空氣汙染?! 暗藏不知道的健康危機!!

杜絕隱形危險因子 打造無毒居家空間



有毒因子無所不在 甲醛惹的禍


得利健康居是安心生活、放心呼吸的保護者 無毒除臭 有效淨化空氣 得利乳膠漆竹炭健康居(抗甲醛)為一款具有淨化室內空氣的頂級環保乳膠漆,其中最引人注意的是含有獨特『除醛科技配方』,全新升級白竹炭除醛科技,塗刷後能在牆面形成防護膜,層層淨化、不僅本身不添加甲醛,甚至可分解空氣中其他傢俱產生的有害物質,讓家中空氣像大自然一樣清新,且不會再次釋放甲醛,持續淨化讓空氣更清新;此外,奈米級白竹炭能吸附油漆原料化學異味,宛如超強力空氣清淨機,不用擔心惱人的氣味,也不會發生滿心歡喜地遷入新居,卻擔心刺鼻油漆味及可怕的空氣汙染,反而不敢放心進住的窘境了,少了油漆味及可怕的致命甲醛因子,得利健康居兩大武器讓您放心大口呼吸,安心享受健康居家。


Friday, August 29, 2014

警惕空氣清新劑3大危害 4招清新空氣



另外,空氣清新劑裡含有的芳香劑對人的神經系統還會產生危害,刺激小孩的呼吸道黏膜等。 空氣清新劑的還有個缺點就是它並沒有分解有害氣體,達到清新空氣的目的。它的作用是通過散發香氣來蓋住異味,而不是與空氣中導致異味的氣體發生反應,也就是說,空氣清新劑的效果並不沒有清除空氣中的有害氣體,它只是靠混淆人的嗅覺來“淡化”異味。






  1. 室內有嬰幼兒、哮喘病人、過敏體質者及過敏性疾病的人時應當慎用。
  2. 噴灑或點燃空氣清新劑時,最好暫時撤離現場,待大部分氣溶膠或顆粒物質沉降後再進入,進入前最好打開門窗通風換氣。
  3. 廁所和浴室的除臭應選用氣體空氣清新劑。
  4. 不能過分依賴空氣清新劑,應從根本上找出惡臭的原因並徹底清除,使居室空氣真正清新。


  1. 自然通風法:不管天氣多麼寒冷,每天均應有一段時間開窗通風,最佳時間為上午9時、下午3時左右,一般要通氣10~30分鐘。
  2. 紫外線照射法:無人時,可在每個房間(15平方米左右)安裝一只30瓦的低臭氧紫外線燈,照射1小時以上,可殺滅室內空氣中90%的病原微生物。
  3. 食醋消毒法:食醋中含有醋酸等多種成分,具有一定的殺菌能力,可用做家庭室內的空氣消毒。每10平方米可用食醋100~150克,加水2倍,放碗內用文火慢蒸30分鐘,煮沸熏蒸時,最好將門窗關閉。每日熏蒸1~2次,連續熏蒸3日。
  4. 艾卷消毒法:還可以在關閉門窗後,點燃艾卷熏,每25平方米用1個艾卷,半小時後,再打開門窗通風換氣。

(責任編輯:黃海茵 - )

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Austin Air Purifier HealthMate Review

Youtube -

This review shows inside the Austin purifier and the Hepa Carbon and Zeolite filter.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Air Purifier |




空氣質量沒有達到標準的城市包括中國首都北京。這個城市的2000萬居民,包括外來的打工者,也包括政府的領導人,經常暴露在不利健康的高水平PM 2.5和其他污染物之中。





但是,僅在北京禁止燃煤不會在多大程度上降低中國的煤炭消耗總量,因為北京是「一個非常小的煤炭消耗區,」羅恩·肯德爾(Rohan Kendall)在周四接受電話採訪時說,他是伍德馬肯茲諮詢公司(Wood Mackenzie)的中國諮詢經理。



翻譯:Cindy Hao

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Cleaning the Air

Air Purifiers |

If ozone generators and ionizing purifiers have questionable efficacy at cleaning air, what can be done to remove contaminants from our homes? There are three basic steps, in order of usefulness:

  1. Get rid of the source of the contaminants. If the problem is cigarette smoke, smoke outside. If mold is causing problems, identify the moldy areas and clean them up. Severe cases may require extensive work to get at mold within walls, but if the mold is left in place, the problem will only get worse. When pet dander is a problem, the pet could be limited to certain areas of the house and kept off furniture. Good hygiene along with regular cleaning and vacuuming will remove a great deal of dust and limit opportunities for mold growth. Using special plastic bags on mattresses and box springs can also keep down allergy-causing contaminants. Image courtesy Andrea Booher/FEMA Mold growing on household walls should be cleaned thoroughly and as soon as possible to avoid illness.
  2. Dilute the air in your house. In other words, open the windows. The air outside probably contains fewer contaminants than what is inside (unless you live downwind from a coal plant). Allowing fresh air inside will sweep away some contaminants.
  3. Clean the air with an effective filter system.

The next logical question, of course, is "how do you know which air cleaners are effective?" Fortunately, there is an industry standard that makes it easy to compare air cleaners. The Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) assigns a Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) to air cleaners. AHAM runs a standard test to see how well an air cleaner removes certain contaminants from a volume of air. An air cleaner bearing the AHAM seal will have three CADR numbers listed: one for tobacco smoke, one for pollen and one for dust. A higher number indicates a greater ability to clean air, with maximums of 450 for pollen and smoke and 400 for dust [ref]. AHAM recommends using an air cleaner with a CADR number at least two-thirds the area of the room

From the CADR Web site: "For example, a 10-foot by 12-foot room -- 120 square feet -- would require an air cleaner with a tobacco smoke CADR of at least 80. If your room size is smaller, the unit will simply clean the air more often or faster. If you have ceilings higher than 8 feet, you'll want an air cleaner rated for a larger room."

Lots More Information Related Articles Sources
  • "ANSI/AHAM AC-1: Method for Measuting the Performance of Portable Household Electric Room Air Cleaners." Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers.
  • Barrett, Stephen, MD. "Court Dismisses Sharper Image Lawsuit against Consumers Union."
  • "Ozone Generators that are Sold as Air Cleaners: An Assessment of Effectiveness and Health Consequences."Environmental Protection Agency.
  • "Slow adoption takes wind out of air purification sales." DSN Retailing Today, Nov 5, 2001.
  • "Specification for HEPA Filters Used by DOE Contracts." Department of Energy.
  • Weise, Elizabeth. "Ionizing air cleaners get zapped." USAToday, April 4, 2005.
  • "What is AHAM's Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR)?" Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers.
  • "What is a Cleanroom?" Intel.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Air Purifier Criticism

Air Purifiers |

Ionizing and ozone air purifiers have come under fire from consumer groups, consumer review magazines and even the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Two claims are at the heart of the controversy: that these types of air purifiers are not effective at removing contaminants from the air and that ozone generators could harm people.

In 2002 and 2003, Consumer Reports tested several different air purifiers, including Sharper Image's Ionic Breeze. Independent researchers checked and verified the tests. Consumer Reports found that ionizing air purifiers like the Ionic Breeze created "almost no measurable reduction in airborne particles" [source]. Sharper Image sued Consumer Reports. The magazine later conducted further tests in response to Sharper Image's complaints and still found the Ionic Breeze to be ineffective. Sharper Image's lawsuit against Consumer Reports was thrown out, and the company was forced to pay more than half a million dollars to cover Consumer Reports' legal fees.

The EPA has also released information warning the public about air purifiers that generate ozone. Because the manufacturers are not making specific medical claims about these devices, they do not need Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval. In fact, there really is no government oversight over consumer air purifiers other than the HEPA standard, so any manufacturer claiming that such a device is "government approved" or "government certified" is misleading consumers. However, concerns about the generation of ozone in people's homes have led the EPA to conduct studies on the subject.

All ionizing purifiers generate some ozone, but ozone generators are specifically designed to release the gas, and in much larger quantities than ionizing purifiers. The EPA states, "Relatively low amounts [of ozone] can cause chest pain, coughing, shortness of breath, and, throat irritation. Ozone may also worsen chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma and compromise the ability of the body to fight respiratory infections" [source]. Their studies indicated that even when used according to manufacturer instructions, many ozone-generating purifiers created ozone concentrations in a house in excess of public health limits. They also found that ozone as used in a household air purifier "has little potential to remove indoor air contaminants." They also noted that ozone has a tendency to react with chemicals and form by-products that are potentially even more dangerous.

The EPA's final recommendation on the matter: "The public is advised to use proven methods of controlling indoor air pollution." Ozone generators are not among the proven methods listed on its site.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Types of Air Purifiers

Air Purifiers |


Some air purifiers clean the air by passing it through a filter that removes particles. These are sometimes called air cleaners. In households, these filters are usually part of the heating or cooling system. A filter housing is installed between the air return duct and the furnace. The filter cartridge slides into this housing, so all air flowing into the furnace is filtered. Not only does this remove contaminants from the air, it prevents damage to the furnace due to dust and dirt build-up. Filters can also be placed into the air return vents in each room of a house. Typical materials include foam, cotton, fiberglass or synthetic fibers. In part, the density of the filter material limits the size of the particles that pass through -- very dense filters have smaller gaps, allowing it to catch very small particles. Pleated filters work best because of the increased surface area for catching particles. However, filters are capable of catching particles even smaller than the smallest gaps in the filter material. Air filters can be expensive, and you have to replace them to keep them functioning properly (some filters are washable). They also restrict air flow through the system, causing a drop in overall efficiency.

HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filters meet a Department of Energy standard for removing particles from the air. The filter can consist of any material as long as it meets this standard -- penetration of less than 0.03 percent of particles 0.3 micrometers in size or larger [source]. The filter must also allow a specific amount of air to flow through, which varies by the size of the filter. The ULPA (Ultra-Low Penetration Air) standard is even stricter. In addition to their familiar household uses cleaning air of allergens and dust particles, advanced HEPA filters are used by the nuclear power industry.

Ionizing Purifiers

These air purifiers use a method called corona discharge to create charged molecules called ions. Most atoms in the air have a neutral charge -- they have the same number of negatively-charged electrons as positively-charged protons. The corona discharge is a small but intense electrical field. Molecules passing through it will pick up an additional electron, giving the molecule a negative charge, or it may have an electron knocked off of it, giving it a positive charge. Larger particles in the air, such as dust or other contaminants, are more likely to be ionized because they make larger targets for the electrons as they pass through the corona discharge.

Once a particle is charged, it will be attracted to anything with the opposite charge. Two metal plates within the purifier are charged (one negative, one positive) to attract these particles. Also, particles in the air will be drawn to each other if they have opposite charges. As the particles clump together, they get heavier and eventually they settle out of the air.

Ozone Generators

An ozone generator works much like an ionizing purifier, but it is designed to alter molecules of oxygen and turn them into ozone, a molecule made up of three oxygen atoms. Oxygen in the atmosphere exists as dioxygen, a molecule made up of two oxygen atoms. When these molecules are exposed to a corona discharge or UV light, some of the dioxygen molecules split into separate oxygen atoms (free oxygen). While most of this oxygen recombines into dioxygen, some of the atoms form ozone.

Manufacturers of these devices claim that the ozone deodorizes and disinfects the air. Many also claim other health benefits from the presence of ozone. However, there is strong evidence that ozone does not accomplish air purification. Ozone is also known to be a toxic gas. It is not a very stable molecule -- it reacts readily with other chemicals that may be in the air, forming new compounds that can be more dangerous than the ozone itself. Ozone also oxidizes metals and causes corrosion. The same process that creates ozone also creates nitrogen oxides, leading to further reactions with compounds present in the air and with ozone itself.


Many purifiers incorporate an adsorbent material to take care of odors, fumes and chemicals in the air. Adsorption (not absorption) is the process of one substance being trapped on the surface of another substance. The most common adsorbent is activated charcoal, which is extremely porous and has many microscopic "nooks and crannies" to trap passing molecules. Larger particles are simply stuck in the many pores in the charcoal. Electrostatic attraction draws some substances into the pores. Certain substances react chemically with the charcoal and bond to it. The high surface area of the charcoal gives it lots of bonding places. The process used to make the charcoal can affect which compounds it is better at adsorbing.

UV Light

Ultraviolet radiation renders certain micro-organisms sterile (and harmless). Some air purifiers feature a UV light that bathes the air as it passes through, eliminating the potential harm of airborne bacteria and viruses.

Friday, August 1, 2014

How Air Purifiers Work

Air Purifiers |

Americans spend an estimated $250 million annually on air purifiers for their homes, with asthma and allergy sufferers responsible for most of the sales [source]. But scientific studies and testing reveal that many purifiers aren't effective at all, and some may be causing harm.

The notion of purifying air has merit, however. The air inside the typical home is generally dirtier than the air outside, because a house can be a source of air contaminants. Moisture can lead to the development of mold and mold spores. Forced-air heating and cooling systems circulate dust particles and bacteria throughout the house. Pets shed fur and give off dander, while smokers pump toxins into the air. Pollen and other outdoor allergens can blow in through open doors and windows (or through a window or door screen) and become caught in carpet or upholstery.

The end result is that the average house tends to concentrate contaminants in greater quantities than the outdoors. This concentration isn't usually too harmful for a healthy person, but children and people with allergies and respiratory difficulties can experience ill effects. Reducing the level of contaminants can help alleviate some of these problems and using an air purifier is one way to do it.

In the next section, we'll look at the five basic types of air purifiers available on the market today.

Sunday, July 27, 2014




Thursday, July 24, 2014

New study reveals cleaner air could help save lives

A coal power plant 'Scholven' of German utility giant E.ON is pictured in Gelsenkirchen.REUTERS/Ina Fassbender

While some anti-environmentalists claim that clean air standards will cost Americans jobs, a newly published health study shows that clean air standards may have already saved lives.

Published in the June 2014 Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases, the study raises the bar for environmental awareness and provides valuable fuel to the cause of clean air. The research team that conducted the study included scientists from Duke University School of Medicine, the Center for Population Health and Aging at Duke University, the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke and the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources.

In the study, the Duke researchers analyzed deaths in the state of North Carolina due to respiratory disease during a 17-year period between 1993 and 2010, following the implementation of clean air standards. They found a direct correlation between improved air quality in North Carolina since the 1990s and reduced deaths due to pulmonary disease.

Both national and state air quality standards enacted in the early 1990s have helped to provide cleaner air for the most essential of all human physical functions: breathing. The Duke study provides strong evidence that such air quality standards can help save human lives.

One significant factor in North Carolina was the 1992 Southern Appalachian Mountains Initiative, which led to the enactment of the Clean Smokestacks Act to mandate reduced emissions from coal-fired power plants. Some argue that the coal industry is one of the most toxic of all industries in terms of air pollution, and that it can adversely affect water and soil. The coal lobby has steadfastly stonewalled clean air legislation, but this study stands to significantly change the coal argument.

In the study, the Duke team assessed levels of several toxic and potentially lethal pollutants in the atmosphere during the study period, including those known to emit from coal plants.  These pollutants included ozone, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, and particulate matters. Data was gathered from monthly data measurements from North Carolina air-monitoring stations.

The group looked at North Carolina residents of all ages, and adjusted their data to exclude smokers (who often die from respiratory disease) and those who were known to have specific lung disorders. They calculated deaths in the state due to emphysema, asthma and pneumonia and found steadily decreasing rates of related deaths as air quality improved.

“While a few studies have analyzed the associations of both air quality and health over a long period, they were typically limited to analyses of a specific air pollutant or a couple of pollutants,” said Dr. Kim Lyerly, who headed up the study team. “In contrast, we leveraged access to multiple disparate databases containing either environmental or health data, and we were able to study longitudinally a number of air contaminants, including both particulate matter and noxious gases over almost two decades.”

According to the study, atmospheric reduction of the pollutants, most notably sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, and particulate matter, directly correlated with lower rates of respiratory deaths.

Many opponents of clean air standards have claimed that there is little science to back up demands for cleaner air, but this rigorous study, which assesses several pollutants and a broad population, provides exactly that science. And while it should be obvious that we all require clean air for healthy respiration, atmospheric standards have been tough to implement, due to strong lobbying in Congress.

In the battle to provide a cleaner environment, the recent Duke study is a landmark event, and it may point the way to a healthier future.

Chris Kilham is a medicine hunter who researches natural remedies all over the world, from the Amazon to Siberia. He teaches ethnobotany at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where he is Explorer In Residence. Chris advises herbal, cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies and is a regular guest on radio and TV programs worldwide. His field research is largely sponsored by Naturex of Avignon, France. Read more at

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Breathe easily with the Satechi USB Air Purifier & Fan

Air Purifier |

Remember back when office desks had ashtrays built right into them? Me neither, although I’m told they existed. It maybe won’t be long now before they have air purifiers built into them, so I guess we’re making progress. If you’re having trouble writing that into your contract, the Satechi USB Air Purifier and Fan should hold you over.

Proving yet again that there’s no device Satechi can’t bring down to USB size, the USB Air Purifier & Fan removes odors and irritants from any space—such as your office, bedroom or dorm room—while providing a cool and comfortable environment. The travel friendly size makes it easy to take with you for those stuffy hotel room, and you know, now that many airlines are starting to add USB outlets to the seats…well, maybe it’s not that small.

When compressed, the clever device acts as an air purifier, removing odors and particles such as dust, pet dander and allergens from any personal space. When expanded, the product acts as a cooling fan to provide additional ventilation and creates a refreshing space and relief from hot temperatures.

The plug and play USB Air Purifier & Fan is powered and easily recharged via any USB port and is whisper quiet to ensure discreet operation in any environment, especially important when in shared spaces.

Monday, July 21, 2014


IAQ Air Cleaner |


  湖南省質檢院總工程師姚斌介紹,目前檢測室內空氣質量 IAQ的依據主要是《室內空氣質量標准》(G B /T 18883-2002)。譬如,檢測甲醛的常用方法主要為“酚試劑分光光度法、乙酰丙酮分光光度法”2種。這些方法都需要將抽取的空氣樣品帶回實驗室進行化學分析來進行檢驗,而不能在現場得出結論。



Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Air purifiers are not always effective, and some may be harmful


Air purifiers are not always effective, and some may be harmful

Air purifiers are not always as effective as advertised, and those that emit ozone may even be harmful, writes Elizabeth Choi

With Hong Kong recording its smoggiest day of the year two Sundays ago, perhaps you were persuaded to not only stay home but also invest in an indoor air purifier.

As the air quality index climbs, so do sales of air purifiers in China. According to Euromonitor International, air purifier volume sales in China rose 87 per cent from 2012 to 2013.

Nowhere in the world is the number of air pollution-related deaths climbing as quickly as it is in Asia, especially Southeast Asia. A 2012 study by the World Health Organisation found that, globally, seven million deaths were attributable to the combined effects of household and ambient air pollution.

Southeast Asian and Western Pacific regions - of which China is part - bear the brunt of those numbers, with 2.8 and 2.3 million deaths respectively.

In Hong Kong, the Hedley Environmental Index, a real-time health information system developed by the University of Hong Kong's school of public health, shows a city map that is often dotted with red during the day, indicating the WHO level of permissible short-term exposure to fine particulates and other pollutants is more regularly "very bad" than it is green ("acceptable"), or even yellow ("not good").

So can a household air purifier protect your health indoors? It's easy to get your hands on one in Hong Kong - at a wide range of prices.

A new, moderately sized model that can purify up to 48 square metres (or about 515 sq ft) can cost more than HK$4,000, while a used machine can cost as little as HK$290 on classified sites such as AsiaXpat.

There are several factors to consider when buying an air purifier, including the volume or space to be cleaned, external weather and environmental conditions of the home, and what types of allergens or pollutants are being removed.

"There are many types of air purifiers - some of them sterilise air or use ultraviolet or other heating systems to kill germs," says Dr Fanny Ko Wai-san, a specialist in respiratory medicine and president of the Hong Kong Thoracic Society.

While purifiers with special heating systems may be sufficient for killing germs, they may not be adequate in removing fine or respirable particulates that can exacerbate allergies or asthma.

That's not including toxic gases such as nitrogen dioxide, which comes from gas-burning stovetops, or sulphur dioxide, emitted from cars and ships.

Despite becoming increasingly popular, home air purifiers aren't essential for the average household in Hong Kong, Ko says.

"Most people live without one, and without any problem," she says. "It will not lead to a cure for allergies or asthma. Some patients in previous studies show they have the air purifier, but don't show any signs of improvement. You can install one and find it provides no benefits."

A number of variables determine an air purifier's effectiveness.

"Sometimes, indoors can be very moist and, in those situations, an air purifier can be helpful," Ko says. "But if you open the windows, there's almost no point because the pollution comes in. Can it really help or translate into improvement? It's hard to say."

Ko says air purifiers could be considered for places such as hospitals that need to prevent infection, or work settings in industrial areas with extreme levels of particulate matter.

"In general, however, we do not recommend installing air purifiers unless the asthma is difficult to control. In the end, it's a personal preference over a scientific reason," she says.

Their use might be justified for those with acute allergies or asthma. But even in those cases, most specialists prescribe medicine as a treatment.

Studies and tests show mixed results of how well these machines can purify indoor air from toxins, germs and particulate matter.

Indoor air purifiers are advertised as safe household products for health-conscious people, but some purifiers produce ozone. Those that work by charging airborne particles and electrostatically attracting them to metal electrodes emit ozone as a by-product of ionisation.

Emissions may be a few milligrams of ozone an hour, about as much as a dry-process photocopier emits during continuous operation. In a small, poorly ventilated room, this could create an ozone level that exceeds public health standards, according to a study by the University of California, Irvine, published in 2006 in the Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association.

Ozone can damage the lungs, causing chest pain, coughing, shortness of breath and throat irritation. It can exacerbate chronic respiratory conditions such as asthma and compromise the body's ability to fight respiratory infections.

In 2011, the Hong Kong Consumer Council tested 10 air purifiers priced from HK$629 to HK$4,000, and found that they all provided a less usable area of purified air than they claimed. In seven of the larger models, the shortfall ranged from 12 per cent to 67 per cent. In the three small models, the shortfall was up to 90 per cent.

The study also found the four models provided insufficient protection from electrical leakage, while the plastic parts of some models were insufficiently heat and flame retardant.

Ko says many household cleaning supplies, office equipment such as copying machines, pesticides and painting materials can contain and emit harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can have short- and long-term effects that range from eye, nose or throat irritation to asthma, and may even cause some cancers.

According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, all of these products can release organic compounds while being used, and to some degree, when they are stored.

"Choose furniture that doesn't have VOCs," Ko says. "Those may be the source of emissions in the home, but an air purifier may not be tackling the source. Clean your carpets, too as they can produce allergens and house a lot of dust.

"A dehumidifier is a home essential. It can help with preventing moisture and mould in the home," Ko says.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

高效去除PM2.5 松下新一代供氣機櫃風扇閃亮登場




為進一步滿足消費者對高品質室內空氣質素的需求,松下環境系統有限公司已於今年2月在中國市場投入了面向住宅的24小時全熱換氣系統,能夠實現對PM2.5等污染物質的高效淨化,並獲得了廣泛的用戶好評。此次推出的新型供氣機櫃風扇,加裝了PM2.5亞高效過濾器,顯著提高了空氣淨化能力,可去除室外空氣中95%的PM2.5污染物 (※1),為室內輸送新鮮空氣,並可以有效抑制室內空氣污染物的流動。




  1. 去除室外空氣中所含的95%的PM2.5等污染物質後進行供氣
    • 安裝有去除95%(※1)的PM2.5的亞高效過濾器,為室內提供淨化後的空氣
  2. 安裝有DC馬達,實現低耗電量
    • 跟以往安裝有AC馬達的機型相比大約節省50%(※2)的耗電量
  3. 通過風量恆定控制,實現恆定的風量供氣,並與管道的長度和路徑無關
    • 配備有“風量恆定控制”功能,使風量恆定並與管道的長度和路徑無關,更加方便施工


Thursday, July 10, 2014

空調成夏季室內污染重災區 散熱片細菌是馬桶60倍











空調散熱片因為不可拆卸,僅靠濕布擦拭、刷子清潔等手段是沒有用的,而且還容易損壞散熱片,可以用專用的洗滌劑清洗。對於空調消毒劑品牌的選 擇,業內專家建議選用有權威機構認證對人體和機器安全的、殺菌效果顯著、具有衛生部門“消”字證號的產品。條件允許的話,盡量每個月消毒一次過濾網和散熱片。(編輯/鄧仕姣)

Monday, July 7, 2014

Indoor Air Quality - OxyQuantum

Matt from Rohrer's One Hour Heating and Air Conditioning, Lancaster, lays out the benefits of having good indoor air quality. Indoor air quality (IAQ) is broken down into three danger levels that are controlled by specific IAQ devices. Each danger level consists of different air particles and submicron organisms that all cause differing health effects. The OxyQuantum is one specific device used to control particles in danger levels 2 and 3. Matt gives a broad overview of indoor air quality before explaining how the OxyQuantum can help.

One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning - Lancaster has been serving the Lancaster County area for 52 years. We promise prompt and professional service to all of our customers. "Always on time, or you don't pay a dime." ™ We look forward to solving all your heating and air conditioning repair, installation and service needs. Call us now to schedule an appointment. 717.299.7300 or 888-333-8888

Featured Services: At One Hour Heating and Air Conditioning we are experienced in providing repairs to heating and air conditioning problems in Lancaster County. We provide heating and air conditioning repairs using only quality parts and equipment.

We provide only items that we can put our brand name behind. You are the most important person in our career and we will never forget that. At One Hour heating and air conditioning our residential technicians are properly trained, licensed and insured.

We are family owned and operated and live right here with you ready to serve you. We will provide you with 24 hour emergency services at no extra charge. We call it weekend, night or day...same low price you pay. And with our guarantee, you know you'll be 100% satisfied with the results. So, for your heating and air conditioning service, repairs or installation contact us.

We are available now for more information or to book a call to take care of your heating and cooling problems.

Available Services: Air Conditioners, Heat Pumps, Boilers, Indoor Air Quality, Maintenance Agreements, Tankless Water Heaters, Furnaces, Air Handlers, Ductwork, Thermostats, Geo-thermal Heat Pumps, Tax Credit Systems.

Locations Served: Bird-In-Hand, Denver, Elizabethtown, Holtwood, Landisville, Manheim, Millersville, Mountville, Paradise, Quarryville, Columbia, East Petersburg, Ephrata, Lancaster, Lititz, Marietta, Mount Joy, New Holland, Pequea, Strasburg.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014











Wednesday, June 25, 2014









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Monday, June 23, 2014

IAQ: How Do You Stack Up When It Comes to Indoor Air Quality?

When most people think of sustainability, they think of things like renewable power, energy and water conservation, or recycling. But sustainability is all about recognizing the interconnectedness of things. That means taking care of the things that take care of the things that take care of us: like our air. And though we often think of the environment as what’s outdoors, there is also an environment indoors, and we need to take care of that, too.

Why should we care about indoor air quality (IAQ)?

Well, the first reason is our health. Consider the following facts: First of all, most people spend roughly 90 percent of their time indoors these days.

Secondly, indoor air pollution is two to five times higher than what is generally found outdoors. With help from the American Lung Association of Minnesota, here is a list of pollutants that can often be found lurking within our indoor air. These generally fall into several categories including:

  • Products of combustion (e.g. ash, soot, carbon monoxide, polycyclic aromatic compounds)
  • Biological agents such as molds, pet dander, and pollen
  • Volatile organic compounds
  • Metal dust such as mercury or lead
  • Radioactive particles such as radon, and
  • Asbestos
  • Cooking effluents including nanoparticles
  • Ozone

The Environmental Protection Agency lists poor indoor air quality as the fourth largest environmental threat to our country. Quite often the health impacts of poor indoor air show up as allergies and asthma. There are an estimated 40 million individuals in the United States who are affected by allergies, and the prevalence rate of pediatric asthma has increased by 72.3 percent. Asthma is now the sixth ranking chronic condition in our nation and the leading serious chronic illness of children in the U.S.

Poor indoor air quality can also be detrimental to the long-term health of buildings and structures, primarily due to excessive moisture and mold which can accumulate and weaken structural materials.

Recent studies have found that indoor air quality can have a significant impact on workplace productivity as well.

Sources of indoor pollution include combustion processes, such as cooking, fireplaces and furnaces in the home, or any number of manufacturing processes in the workplace, even printers and copiers. A second source, which has received a great deal of attention lately, is that of synthetic materials ranging from paint and carpeting to industrial adhesives, cleaning supplies, plastics, furniture finishes and numerous other things that all have been found to emit a class of indoor pollutants known as volatile organic compounds (VOC). VOCs are chemicals that off-gas easily from products and mix with the indoor air that building inhabitants breathe in thousands of times a day. According to UL Environment, the vast majority of these compounds, as much as 96 percent, are introduced in the construction of buildings.

That is why so much attention is now being given, through programs like LEED and GREENGUARD, to certify those materials being used in buildings, so as to minimize or eliminate VOC exposure from these sources.

According to the American Lung Association, the primary line of defense against indoor air pollution is prevention. Keeping those materials that emit dangerous VOCs out of the building in the first place is the simplest and most effective way to deal with the problem. If it’s too late for that, if the building is completed and can’t be remediated, the next best thing is adequate ventilation. That assumes that bringing in outdoor air will improve air quality, which is generally, though not always, true — since, in some cases, the outdoor air could be even more polluted depending on location.

Finally, air cleaners or purifiers — which circulate air through filters that can remove some of the contaminants — can also be helpful, though as Ben Franklin famously said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Image courtesy of UL Environment

Saturday, June 21, 2014











環境保護署空氣質素監測網絡設有十二個一般監測站及 三個路邊監測站,不斷量度本港的空氣污染水平。一般監測站遍布本港各區,覆蓋不同土地用途的區域,它們通常裝設於四至六層高的大廈頂層。路邊監測站則設於 銅鑼灣、旺角及中環的道路旁邊。所有監測站的設計和運作均符合最高的國際標準,能有效地測量精確的空氣污染數據。

一般及路邊監測站分佈圖 如何判斷應參考哪一個空氣質素健康指數



現時空氣質素健康指數會每星期 7 日、每日 24 小時向市民發布。空氣質素健康指數預報亦可在因空氣污染出現高健康風險級別的情況前向市民作出預警。


過去 24 小時的空氣質素健康指數提供更多的記錄。

過去 24 小時空氣質素健康指數

提供過去 24 小時各監測站所錄得的空氣污染物的濃度。

過去 24 小時污染物濃度





除了以上網上資源外,空氣質素健康指數資料在電台、電視台及本地報章均有公布。此外,你也可透過環境保護署空氣質素健康指數熱線 (852) 2827 8541,取得最新的資料。




Wednesday, June 18, 2014

How to Test: Indoor Air Quality Test Kits

Indoor Air Quality Test Kits can be used to test for a variety of common threats to indoor air quality. It is important that the test kit purchased is capable of testing for all possible contaminants or the contaminant with which you are remediating.

Common Contaminants

  • Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
  • Carbon Monoxide (CO)
  • Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
  • Mold, Yeast, Bacteria
  • Radon
  • Allergen: Dust mites, pet dander, cockroach.
  • Hydrothermal: Humidity, temperature
  • Aerobiology: fungus, fiberglass, insect, dead skin cells.
  • Precipitated Particulate: pollen, dust,
  • Formaldehyde, Aldehydes: and all aldehydes; carpet, wood paneling.
  • View Full List of Indoor Air Quality Contaminants

Purchasing an Indoor Air Quality Test Kit

When purchasing an Indoor Air Quality Test Kit, be sure that the test kit will detect the allergen, or contaminant that you are testing for (All test kits are not created equal!). Also, make certain that the test kit purchased will test the home in it’s entirety (usually based on square footage). It is important to know that indoor air quality test kits are not recommended for all purposes, and that adverse health, and environmental conditions can demand a professional consultation.

Variations Between Test Kits

Indoor Air Quality Test Kits can range in price from $50 – $1,600 depending on the number of contaminants, tested for, and the breadth of testing that is performed. Some test kits can be performed at home, and some require the results be mailed to an test lab for further analysis. Turnaround time for the test kits will be dependent on the type of testing, the test kit, and the test lab; some tests may yield results within hours, while some may take weeks for a complete assessment report.

Professional Indoor Air Quality Testing

Selecting an Indoor Air Quality Consultant

Selecting a professional indoor air quality testing firm can be a daunting task, but hopefully we can make this process easier for you. For more information on this topic, see the American Industrial Hygiene Association’s “Improving Indoor Air Where You Work” AIHA

Preliminary Preparation

  1. Investigate the problem in-house
  2. Recognize when you need outside help
  3. Decide what expertise is required to resolve your indoor air problem
  4. Select a consultant, if necessary
  5. Fit the scope and approach of indoor air services to your needs
  6. Solve the problem

Selecting the Best Indoor Air Quality Consultant for Your Needs

  1. Verify that the consultant has the appropriate training and credentials. Browse the AIHA website for a list of accredited environmental laboratories in your area: Environmental Microbiology Laboratory Accreditation Program (EMLAP) Laboratories.
  2. Determine the scope what exactly is needed. Define what services, testing, and turnaround time is needed for your project. Depending on the project, an initial walkthrough, visual inspection, and perhaps testing may be needed to determine this.
  3. Draw up a request for proposal. Include project scope, services needed, time schedule, required meetings, and/or communications, and a reasonable proposed estimate.
  4. For more information: Read the AIHA’s Guidelines for Selecting an Indoor Air Quality Consultant

EPA’s Methods for Testing

(Excerpt from “Indoor Air Quality Solutions and Strategies” by Steve M. Hays)2

EPA’s compendium of methods for indoor air. In response to the need for specific guidance on the determination of indoor air contaminants, EPA has developed testing methods for the determination of selected contaminants in indoor air. However, EPA cautions that these testing methods at this time are not certified and are not officially recommended or endorsed by the EPA. The following testing methods have been developed:

  1. Volatile organic compounds using SUMMA® stainless steel canister sampling or solid adsorbents.
  2. Nicotine using XAD-4 solid adsorbent, active filter cassettes, or passive filter cassettes.
  3. Carbon Monoxide and carbon dioxide using nondispersive infrared spectroscopy or gas filter correlation.
  4. Nitrogen dioxide using continuous luminox LMA-3, Palmes diffusion tube, passive sampler badge, or a transducer technology electrochemical technique.
  5. Formaldehyde using solid adsorbent Sep-Pak 2,4-DNPH cartridge, passive sampler badge or a continuous CEA monitor
  6. Benso(a)pyrene and other polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in air using a combination quartz filter/adsorbent cartridge with subsequent analysis by gas chromatography with flame ionization and mass spectrometry detection or high-performance liquid chromatography
  7. Selective pesticides using low-volume polyurethane foam sampling with gas chromatography/electron capture detector.
  8. Acid, bases, aerosols, and particulate matter using an annular denuder coupled with filter pack assembly or transition flow reactor
  9. Particulate matter using an impactor with filter pack assembly or a continuous particulate monitor
  10. Air exchange rate using a perfluorocarbon tracer or tracer gas.

Monday, June 16, 2014

室內空氣差 林口長庚CO2超標 濃度逾標準1300ppm




二氧化碳因與部份空氣污染物含量成正比,可做為室內空氣質素 IAQ標準,依環保署公告的「室內空氣品質管理法」,標準值應為一○○○ppm以下。環保局空氣品質保護科長蘇振昇說,去年底巡檢縣內各公共場所,各項污染物僅發現二氧化碳濃度超標,長庚醫院原有醫學、病理、復健、兒童等四個大樓超標,到目前仍有病理、復健、兒童三處大樓還未改善,仍在一○○○ppm以上。


Sunday, June 15, 2014

















Saturday, June 14, 2014




別花冤枉錢 車載空氣清新機真心不靠譜








HEPA濾網淨化技術是目前最為成熟的顆粒物淨化技術,對家用型空氣器了解的用戶對該技術並不會陌生。符合HEPA標准的過濾器的用途很廣泛,從醫療設備、汽車(下面會告訴大家用在什麼地方)、飛機及家居均可應用。濾網的標准由美國能源部設定,對粒徑在0.3μm的粒子, 過濾效果約為DOP 99.97%以上。通常使用的高效濾網可達到99.99%的攔截效率。



  1. 第一種即為攔截機制,對大顆粒物起作用。
  2. 第二種機制為重力影響,體積小密度高的顆粒,在經過HEPA濾網時運動速度會降低,自然沉降到HEPA上,此過程有點類似水中泥沙在河下游沉降的過程。
  3. HEPA濾網的第三種機制為,氣流影響。由於HEPA濾網編織不均勻,形成大量的空氣漩渦,超小顆粒物受到此氣旋的影響吸附在HEPA濾網上,實現過濾目的。
  4. 第四種過濾機制為超微顆粒在布朗運動的作用下撞擊到HEPA濾網纖維上受到範德華力影響,被過濾。













不花冤枉錢 沒車載空氣清新機一樣去除PM2.5



口說無憑,我們用數據說話。5月31日,我的同事撰寫了《效果真心不明顯 8款車載空氣清新機橫評》一文,在文章中,他對車載空調淨化能力進行了測試,原文:“在最大風量下,即使將檢測儀器放置到距離出風口較遠位置,比如扶手箱上,車載空調自帶的濾網淨化能力要遠勝於所有此次被測試的車載空氣清新機,對比結果非常直觀。當車輛外界空氣質量良好,開啟空調外循環之後能夠進一步淨化車內空氣。所以,相比車載空氣清新機而言,車輛自帶的空調和空調濾網的淨化能力在較大風量下,依舊是最簡單、高效的淨化方式。”










